TC Conference Guest Speaker - David Jacobs

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We are honored and excited to welcome David Jacobs as a guest speaker at the Testicular Cancer Conference 2018.

David originally started working in the fitness industry as a professional wrestler which he states was an amazing and eye-opening experience. He was constantly surrounded by huge characters with incredible physiques who inspired him to take his fitness to the next level. It was at this time that David really started training hard and doing a lot of research to learn as much as possible about bodybuilding and nutrition. Being a wrestler was a fantastic time in David’s life, but it takes a toll on your body, so he decided to pursue a career in personal training.

David began taking is own training seriously and was in great shape. The results he achieved also helped to enhance his career. Clients began to realize that he was in such great shape and wanted someone who had the knowledge to help motivate them to reach their own goals as well. It makes sense that clients would want a personal trainer that was living a healthy lifestyle. David continued to attract new clients and was even promoted to a position as the personal training manager at the gym he was then working at. Everything was going well, but life had a different plan and he was suddenly faced with some very difficult obstacles.

The death of his grandmother caused him to fall into a state of intense anxiety and depression causing him to not take care of his health at all. He dealt with his anxiety and depression head on through support from family and close friends and started training again to compete in a men’s physique competition. Three weeks before stepping on stage to compete, at age 25, he was diagnosed with cancer. The treatment process for cancer was long and difficult and David never thought there would be a day when he would look back and be grateful for the journey. However, when David looks back today he is thankful for that time he spent in treatment because it forced him to slow down and spend a lot of time reflecting on life and realizing what is truly important.

With a new perspective David returned to school at Canisus College to get his master’s degree with the goal of starting his own fitness business. When he was in recovery form his second surgery, he received a call notifying him that the cancer was back and he needed to immediately start another round of chemotherapy, causing him to drop out of school and put his dreams on hold. After completing 9 weeks of chemotherapy he was forced to schedule his third surgery. Recovery was longer and more difficult this time around and he was forced to start over again, so that’s what he did.

David got back to the gym, back to school and also started the process of purchasing the facility that is now Georgetown Fitness. He looks at health so much differently now, knowing that we need to be emotionally, mentally, and physically healthy in order to truly thrive. Because of this new understanding he created Georgetown Fitness to be a small, intimate environment where clients can grow and relationships can develop.

David and his wife, Emilie Jacobs, will be doing one of our breakout sessions on health and nutrition. Emilie is a nutritionist and shares the same passions as David. Don’t miss this great opportunity to meet David and Emilie along with the other guest speakers at our annual Testicular Cancer Conference in Denver, CO November 30, December 1 & 2, 2018.