Statistics & Risk Factors

United States Testicular Cancer Statistics:

  • Testicular cancer is the leading cancer in men ages 15-44 but can strike at any age

  • Every hour a male is diagnosed with testicular cancer

  • Approximately 9,720 new cases will arise in 2025 in the United States

  • The average age of a male diagnosed with testicular cancer is 33 years old

  • Approximately 600 deaths will occur in 2025

  • 1 out of every 250 males will develop testicular cancer in their lifetime

  • If detected early, testicular cancer is over 95% curable

The rate of testicular cancer has been increasing in the United States and many other countries. The increase is mostly in seminomas. Experts have not been able to find reasons for this increase. Lately, the rate of increase has slowed.

A man's lifetime chance of developing testicular cancer is about 1 in 250. Because treatment is so successful, the risk of dying from this cancer is very low: about 1 in 5,000.

Testicular cancer is highly curable when detected early, and 95% of patients with testicular cancer are alive after a five-year period. However, about half of men with testicular cancer do not seek treatment until the cancer has spread beyond the testicles to other locations in the body.

European Testicular Cancer Statistics:

  • Testicular cancer is expected to reach around 23,000 annually, representing a 24% increase from 2005

  • Highest incidence rates have been observed in Croatia, Slovenia and Italy

  • The highest incidence rate typically occurs in men ages 30 to 34

International Statistics by Region:


Risk Factors for Testicular Cancer

While the exact cause of testicular cancer remains unknown, several factors may increase the likelihood of developing the disease:

  • Undescended Testicles (Cryptorchidism): A condition where one or both testicles fail to descend into the scrotum before birth. Even after surgical correction, individuals may still face an elevated risk.

  • Urological Birth Defects: Birth defects of the urogenital system, such as malformations of the penis, kidneys, or a congenital inguinal hernia, can increase the risk of testicular cancer.

  • Gonadal Dysgenesis: A condition where the gonads (testicles) do not develop properly, which can increase susceptibility to cancer.

  • Klinefelter Syndrome: A genetic condition where males have an extra X chromosome, which can increase the risk of developing testicular cancer.

  • Family History: If a close relative (father, brother) has had testicular cancer, your risk may be higher.

  • Caucasian Men: White men are significantly more likely to develop testicular cancer compared to men of other racial backgrounds.

  • Environmental Factors: Exposure to certain environmental factors, such as pesticides and chemicals like PFAS, may increase the risk of testicular cancer.