Posts tagged daniel-sarmiento
Strength Is Freedom

I was a prisoner of my past.  My prison warden was someone called “I used to”.  “I used to” would remind me of my previous accomplishments lifting humongous weights, running long distances, and various feats of acrobatics.  The warden was quick to steal the joy out of my life and pull the rug out from under me whenever I attempted to regain the strength I was so proud of having before.  I spent many days feeling sorry for myself and lamenting the things I could no longer do until one day I decided I was done with the suffering.

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Great Support Starts With Listening

I get asked a lot about how to support people going through chemotherapy, so I thought I would share a short story about the best thing my sister did while supporting me through the process of chemotherapy. She was someone I could count on to listen and helped me feel comfortable enough to dump all my complaints on. The act of listening is one of the most compassionate things you can do yet it is often taken for granted.

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