7 Marathons - 7 Continents - 7 Days

As a cancer surgeon and testicular cancer survivor, Dr. Clark Gamblin pushes boundaries to deliver extraordinary outcomes for those facing a cancer diagnosis.

He is a sure bet to accomplish this feat.

As a cancer surgeon, Dr. Clark Gamblin helps others navigate a road of uncertainty and discover hope. Little did he know, he would use those skills, beginning in 2018, to understand his own personal cancer journey of two operations and chemotherapy.

During the year of his diagnosis, he decided to run marathons in Boston and New York City for the American Liver Foundation. He was a national board member and chaired the board’s development committee. These two races led him to pursue the Six Major Marathons of the World, which he completed in 2023. The races included Boston, New York, Chicago, London, Berlin, and Tokyo.

The marathon journey spanned Dr. Gamblin’s initial operation, chemotherapy, subsequent recurrence, and a second operation. The mechanism of running allowed him to raise funds for two nonprofits and help others with similar struggles.

Dr. Gamblin is utilizing the platform of the World Marathon Challenge to inspire the global cancer community and support the Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation (TCAF). Every hour a male is diagnosed with testicular cancer. It is the leading cancer in men 15–44 years of age. Amazingly, 95% of early detected testicular cancer cases are curable, and I am a testicular cancer survivor.

Dr. Gamblin has previously raised more than $5 million in the nonprofit sector to support research and education for the cancer patients of tomorrow.

He is seeking sponsors to partner with him as he achieves what some might consider impossible. Seven marathons will span seven continents over seven consecutive days.

About Dr. T. Clark Gamblin

T. Clark Gamblin, MD, MS, MBA is an internationally known hepatobiliary surgeon with a clinical and research interest focused on cancers of the liver and bile ducts.

Born and raised in Mississippi, Dr. Gamblin received his medical degree from the University of Mississippi. He trained in surgical oncology at the University of Pittsburgh, where he obtained a master’s degree in clinical research. He is also a graduate of the Kellogg School of Management where he earned an MBA.

In 2010, Dr. Gamblin came to the Medical College of Wisconsin where he founded the Division of Surgical Oncology. Under his leadership, clinical programs have grown to unprecedented levels through research and investments in academics and training. He prides himself on clinical excellence and a team approach to pioneering and progressive research, high-quality/ high-impact education, and intentional work toward building an award-winning cancer program.

Dr. Gamblin’s philanthropic prowess has garnered millions in donations and gifts for the nonprofit sector. He has established endowed chairs and fostered significant community engagement — locally, regionally, and internationally.

Through his commitment to the American Liver Foundation (ALF), Dr. Gamblin has a rich history of volunteering and raising funds through his passion for running. He has served as a national board member and chaired the national ALF Development Committee in 2018–20.

In 2023, Dr. Gamblin earned one of the most prestigious and sought-after marathon medals: the Six Star Medal. This feat is for runners that have completed the World Marathon Majors — Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago, and New York City.

His current pursuit is the epic World Marathon Challenge where Dr. Gamblin aims to inspire others while raising funds for the Testicular Cancer Awareness Foundation by completing 7 marathons in 7 days across 7 continents.